Indigenous Way of Life

Frontier School Division offers a bold, strategic vision to advance Indigenous Education as we move forward on our path towards contributing to reconciliation. 

We recognize this is a complex journey requiring comprehensive changes with how things have been done in the past. This is a challenge we are proud of and prepared to take on. This will include:

  • ​Advancing teaching and learning practices to be inclusive of Indigenous Education Models
  • Providing professional development opportunities for staff to build on their competencies to support the advancement of Indigenous education
  • Looking at ways to increase the number of Indigenous peoples working in our division to reflect the current demographics we serve.

Our vision, supported by Frontier School Policies, will guide us in ensuring that children, caregivers, staff, and community members have an opportunity to learn about the rich cultural histories and significant contributions that have been made by Indigenous peoples in Canada. 

This will include opportunities to engage and participate in cultural teachings, ceremonies, Knowledge Keepers/Elders circles, languages classes, history courses, workshops, and activities to promote and build the kind of positive relationships called upon us by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in 2015. 

The time for change is now and Frontier School Division wishes to be one of the leaders in that change.

To learn more about Indigenous Way of Life education in Frontier, please contact:

Rina Whitford
Assistant Superintendent Indigenous Way of Life​


Please note that in order to access the new IWOL blog you must sign in via the Staff portal with your FSD credentials.