Nikanihk Ohci Foundation, Inc. (N.O.F.I.)
Nikanihk Ohci is a Cree phrase, which means "for the future". The Nikanihk Ohci Foundation, Inc. (N.O.F.I.) was established in December 1987 as a charitable organization to support the students of Frontier School Division. N.O.F.I. is a separate entity from Frontier School Division and has a separate and distinct Board of Directors.
N.O.F.I. provides financial support to students who wish to pursue post-secondary education at a university, college, or in a specialized technical, vocational or trades program. N.O.F.I. also provides support services for individuals or groups wishing to promote worthy projects within Frontier School Division as well as act as a vehicle of enactment for projects as designed by individuals in their wills, bequests or memorial designations.
N.O.F.I. solicits and raises funds in support of these objectives. Funds are raised through a payroll deduction program for Frontier School Division employees as well as fundraising activities.
For general inquiries, please contact:
30 Speers Road
Winnipeg, MB R2J 1L9
Phone: (204) 775-9741
Fax: (204) 694-5580
Email: nofi@fsdnet.ca
- Hilbert Mosiondz - Area 1 Trustee
- Howard Sanderson - Area 2 Trustee
- Tanya Friesen - Area 3 Trustee
- Donna Calvert - Area 4 Trustee
- Charlene Throop - Area 5 Trustee
- Tyson MacGillivray - Chief Superintendent
- Brent Johnson - (Acting) Assistant Superintendent, Senior Years and Career Studies
- Paul Critchley - Secretary Treasurer
N.O.F.I. welcomes donations, which can be made in a variety of ways.
Payroll Deduction
Frontier School Division employees may elect to make donations by payroll deduction to the scholarship of their choice. Contact payroll staff for more information.
N.O.F.I. Payroll Deduction Form
Outright Gift
For those who wish to give a monetary or non-monetary gift to N.O.F.I. (receipts are issued for income tax purposes)
Memorial Gift
When a friend or relative dies and the family asks you to make a contribution to a charity, N.O.F.I. may be the right charity to designate, as it will continue to benefit your community. Receipts are issued for income tax purposes and the family of the deceased will be informed the memorial donation was received.
People may choose to leave money in their wills to the Nikanihk Ohci Foundation, Inc. Bequests may be designated by a donor for specific purposes or in general support to the Nikanihk Ohci Foundation. Donors should consult their lawyers when making a bequest.
Corporate Donations
Corporations wishing to support N.O.F.I. should contact the Board of Directors.
N.O.F.I. supports students through financial awards. Division-wide awards are:
John W. Milner Memorial Scholarship (deadline May 30)
John W. Milner Memorial Scholarship
Floyd Tucker Memorial Electrical Scholarship (deadline May 30)
Floyd Tucker Award Application Fillable Form
Humanitarian Award (deadline May 30)
Humanitarian Award Application Fillable Form
Career Technology Scholarship (deadline May 30)
Career Technology Scholarship
Megan McIvor Memorial PENT Scholarship (deadline September 30)
Megan McIvor Scholarship
Students should contact their school counsellor or principal for more information regarding these and other, school specific, financial awards.