Senior Administration

The Senior Administration Team works closely with the Chief Superintendent to ensure the Strategic Plan, as set out by the Board of Trustees, achieves its goals and objectives. 

Members of the Senior Administration team are responsible for hiring personnel in their respective departments and working closely with Principals and School Committees to ensure the best candidates are hired when filling positions in the schools. 

This team meets on a monthly basis where ideas are discussed and reports are shared so as to guarantee each member of the team is working collaboratively to provide the very best education for students in Frontier School Division. ​

Senior Administration

Tyson MacGillivray​

Tyson​ MacGillivray​

Chief Superintendent, Office: Winnipeg

Paul Critchley

Paul Critchley

Secretary-Treasurer, Office: Winnipeg​

Don McCaskill​

Don​ McCaskill​

Area 1 Superintendent, Office: Thompson

Robert Chartrand​

Robert​ Chartrand​

Area 2 Superintendent, Office: Dauphin

Tammy Brant Photo

Tammy Brant

Area 3 Superintendent, Office: Winnipeg

​Darren Kinden​

​Darren ​Kinden​

Area 4 Superintendent, Office: Cranberry Portage

Candace Wilson

Candace Wilson

Area 5 Superintendent​, Office: ​Norway House

photo of Erica Hildebrand

Erica Hildebrand

Assistant Superintendent Academic Programs and Instruction​, Office: Winnipeg

Rina Whitford

Rina Whitford

Assistant Superintendent-Designate, Indigenous Way of Life​, Office: Winnipeg

Brent Johnson

Brent Johnson

(Acting) Assistant Superintendent Senior Years and Career Studies​, Office: Winnipeg

Bradley Hampson

Bradley Hampson

Assistant Superintendent Technology​, Office: Winnipeg

Photo of Meghan Clements De Silva

Meghan Clements De Silva

Assistant Superintendent Student Services & Wellness, Office: Winnipeg